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Uranium What is Uranium Uranium Geology Uranium Deposits Uranium Resources Uranium Mining Uranium Logs

Uranium Well Logs

Online Interactive Map

Uranium logs can now be accessed with the Mineral Resources of Wyoming online interactive map. View log locations with the "Uranium logs index" layer.

Uranium Well-Log Files

Digital images of geophysical well logs are also available at https://www.wsgs.wyo.gov/uranium-logs/. These well logs are from uranium exploration and production drill holes in Wyoming. The logs may be downloaded as a zipped folder. The zipped folders contain tiff images of well logs, and in some cases other information such as PDF files with well test results for the identified section (Township, Range, Section). Well logs continue to be added to this page as they become available online from the WSGS.

uranium file example

The “Find” feature of your browser, typically “ctrl+f,” may help you in your directory search.

Folder files may be large and require several minutes to download.

Kelsey Kehoe, kelsey.kehoe@wyo.gov