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The stratigraphy of Wyoming is summarized in WSGS Map Series 41, the Stratigraphic Chart Showing Phanerozoic Nomenclature for the State of Wyoming (MS-41). Stratigraphic units on this chart are correlated along three generally west-east lines crossing mountains and basins.

Stratigraphic Chart Showing Phanerozoic Nomenclature for the State of Wyoming (MS-41) Arikaree Formation overlying the Brule Member of the White River Formation, Goshen Rim, southeast Wyoming.

Wyoming's Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy is detailed in WSGS OFR 2017-3, the Correlation of the Upper Cretaceous Strata of Wyoming (OFR 2017-3).

Correlation Of The Upper Cretaceous Strata Of Wyoming (OFR 2017-3) Cloverly Formation

Ranie Lynds, ranie.lynds@wyo.gov