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Coal What is Coal Coal Resources & Reserves Coal Production & Mining Coal Geology Coal Data

Coal Data

This page contains links to maps, Google Earth files, GIS datasets, and publications describing the locations of coal resources and mining activity in Wyoming.

Summary Reports

PRB Coal Mine

Coal Resources in Wyoming—Summary Report (2020)

Oil, Natural Gas, & Coal resources in Wyoming—Summary Report (2019)

Wyoming’s Coal Resources—Summary Report (2015)


GIS iconGIS Data
Downloadable GIS coal and coalbed methane datasets available from the WSGS.

Excel iconQuarterly Coal Production
Download an Excel file containing Wyoming's quarterly coal mine production and employment, according to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (Last update: Fourth quarter, 2023).

Excel iconWY National Coal Resources Data System Stratigraphic Data
Download an Excel file containing the Wyoming NCRDS stratigraphic data entered since 2013.

Excel iconHistoric Coal Mines
Download an Excel file containing historic coal mine and sample data.

Excel iconHistoric WY Coal Production, 1865-2021
Download an Excel file containing historic coal production and employment by year.


View or Purchase
The Coal Map of Wyoming and other WSGS coal publications can be viewed or purchased online.

Coal Mining Diagrams

Surface Mine Surface mining
Surface mining
Download a diagram showing surface mining methods used by coal mines today. Illustration by James Rodgers.

Underground Mine Underground mining
Underground mining
Download a diagram showing underground coal mining showing a long wall operation. Illustration by James Rodgers.

Click here for additional resources list

Consensus Revenue Estimating Group

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

Wyoming Mining Association

Wyoming Mines Inspection and Safety

Mine Safety and Health Administration, Mine Data Retrieval System

U.S. Energy Information Administration

U.S. Geological Survey

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Mineral Information Institute

U.S. Bureau of Land Management

University of Wyoming, School of Energy Resources

Kelsey Kehoe, kelsey.kehoe@wyo.gov